817 Howard Avenue, Mamaroneck, NY 10543

(914) 341-1644

Church History

First Baptist Church has the distinction of being the second oldest Black Church in Mamaroneck.  Over the past eighty-six years, there have been many significant accomplishments, memorable occasions and milestone events.  Below is a brief synopsis of our Church History.

“The Lovely Hill Mission” was organized under the pastorate of Reverend Samuel Canty of New Rochelle, NY in 1924. The founding members were Deacon Carey Bates, Brother William Furdge, Sister Sadie Goliah, Sister Ellen Johnson, Mother Rebecca Taylor, and Sister Gladys Albert. Reverend Canty resigned in 1935 after an eleven year tenure.

In June 1936, Reverend Thomas J. Garland of New Rochelle, NY was called to the pastorate. In 1938, the property at 817 Howard Avenue in Mamaroneck, NY was purchased; a new sanctuary was built, renamed First Baptist Church, and incorporated. In 1960 renovations were made and on July 31, 1961 the cornerstone was laid into what is now our present structure.  Under the leadership of Reverend Garland the mortgage was burned and the church was relieved of all financial debt. Pastor Garland served faithfully for thirty-six years until his health failed, forcing him to resign as Pastor in 1972.  He passed away on April 6, 1973.

In the fourteen years that followed, First Baptist Church was led by three of God’s dedicated servants.  Reverend Robert Davis of Mount Vernon, NY served as Pastor, during which time he placed a special emphasis on the youth of the church; Reverend Walter Daniels of Elmsford, NY served as pastor and under his leadership, the church interior was redecorated, and new programs were initiated for the Youth Bible Class and the Youth Choir.  He actively participated in community affairs until his death in 1979; Reverend Gideon Smith of Mount Vernon, NY began his pastorate in 1980.                               During Reverend Smith’s tenure he activated the Building Fund, Willing Workers Club, Benevolence Fund, Nurses Unit, Hospitality Club, and the Flower Club. Pastor Smith participated in various activities of the Village and Sound Shore Clergy, and the Black Minister’s Council which serves Port Chester and Mamaroneck, NY, and Greenwich, CT.  Reverend Smith’s ministry was innovative for Kingdom Building. Under his pastorate Sister Gladys Albert was elected Mother of the Church, and served faithfully in this capacity.  In December 1986, Reverend Gideon Smith gave his resignation and once again the church was without a Pastor.

After a one year search, Reverend James E. Taylor of Yonkers, NY was called to the pastorate. He was ordained on September 26, 1987 and installed as our Pastor on December 6, 1987. First Baptist Church has grown spiritually and in size under the guidance and leadership of Pastor Taylor. He has a firm commitment to do a great work of Kingdom Building. For our church theme is to make disciples who will make disciples for Kingdom Building.

During Pastor Taylor’s tenure, the sanctuary was renovated with the installation of new pews, the kitchen was remodeled, a van was purchased for greater mobilization, the Building Fund and Benevolence Fund were reactivated. In addition, there has been increased focus on community service with health fairs, clothing and food drives, and the co-sponsorship of affordable housing within Mamaroneck.  Pastor Taylor has a great love for God and His people…To God Be the Glory for giving increase in all things, especially in Membership, Sunday Church School and Bible Class.

Under the pastorate of Reverend Taylor, the First Baptist Church was blessed to have Reverend Hugh Farrish, and Reverend Alphonso Dixon serve as Associate Ministers until their departure to various geographic locations. Minister Nannie Fuller who was the first female to be licensed by the church, also served as an Associate Minister.  God does not close one door without opening another one.  God blessed First Baptist Church with Minister James Jackson in 1997 and was ordained to the gospel ministry in August 1999 and Minister Jerry Franklin in 1998.  

In December of 1998, Mother Gladys Albert, the Mother of our Church and also a charter member, passed this life. She left a beautiful legacy of love for us to follow.  After being without a Mother of the Church for a little over a year, Trustee Emeritus Marie McKnight was appointed to fill this position.  Her daily walk with God clearly exemplifies her great love of God and His people.  We, the First Baptist Church are honored to have her as Mother of our Church.

In 2001, the First Baptist Church Family was saddened with the loss of Minister Jerry Franklin and several church family members.  Although they are no longer with us, their presence remains in our hearts.

God speaks to us as well as calls some of us, as history was made for the second time when Sister Earlene Davis preached her initial sermon and became the second female minister to be licensed by the First Baptist Church.  As we can all see, God continues to bless the First Baptist Church Family with an increase in spiritual growth and prosperity.  

God never closes one door without opening another one.  God allows the FBC Family to grow. Although God has allowed members to move away and retire, He has raised up new leaders so the church could continue moving forward with the Great Commission that Jesus left the church. God allowed Pastor Taylor to appoint Sister Kay Francis Richards and Deaconess Mittie Radcliff to sever as Sunday School Superintendents. There have been significant changes in the diaconate ministry, Deacon John Wade was appointed chairperson in 2004, Brother Ray Fuller and Brother Dennis Edwards were ordained to the Deacon’s Ministry in 2005. Significant changes in trustee ministry with the passing of Trustee Emeritus Marzella Garland and with the retiring of Trustee Emeritus Ida Allen, Sister Ann Collins was appointed as chairperson of the Trustee Ministry.

As the church climb higher heights to do God’s will, our Pastor was recognized for his excellent leadership within the Central Hudson Baptist Association. After faithfully serving as General Recording Secretary, Treasure, and vice moderator for three years, our Pastor was elevated to the position of Moderator of the CHBA, which spans 42 plus churches from Troy, NY to the Bronx, NY.

“Where there is no vision the people perish”.  As a visionary leader, our Pastor wanted to ensure we were better equipped to handle and understand God’s Word according to 2 Timothy 2:15 “Study to shew thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the Word of truth. Accordingly to help in this endeavor, he knew he needed to increase his knowledge in the Word of God. To achieve this Pastor Taylor enrolled in the Faith Evangelical Seminary in Tacoma, WA where he earned a Masters of Theological Degree, Masters of Divinity and a Doctoral Degree in Strategic Leadership, with a minor in Expository Preaching.

We the members of FBC are so proud of our pastor for his desire to learn and prepare himself so that he could impart the Word of God to the membership for our growth.     

First Baptist has been blessed far above measure, for not only did our pastor enroll in school he also encouraged our Assistant Pastor, the Rev James Jackson to do the same and Rev. Jackson did and he too received his Doctoral Degree. To God be the Glory for the great things He has done.   

In the spring of 2007, two Nor’Easter storms came through the village of Mamaroneck wreaking havoc on our church and the community.  Water, murk, and mud came up to the windowsills in the sanctuary destroying much in its path. Through faith and the power of prayer and the guiding hand of our pastor and asst. pastor and with the help of our friends and neighbors of whom we the church will forever be grateful, the church has recovered from the devastation.

In 2008 Sister Ida Allen was named the mother of our church taking the place of Sister Marie McKnight who has moved to North Carolina.

In April of 2010 our church was blessed to add again to our Deacon, Deaconess, and Trustee ministry with the ordination of Bro. Ricky Sullivan to the Deacon and Trustee ministry and our First Lady Sis. Loretta Taylor to the Deaconess Ministry.

We stop today to reflect on our past and we salute those who worked so hard before us to pave the way so that we might enjoy the fruits of their labor.  We pray that God will continue to lead and guide us as we continue to make disciples who will make disciples for kingdom building.